Egg weight
The reliable automatic zero adjustment system enables outputting accurate measurement data.

Eggshell strength
Just set an egg in place. Using low-speed pressing, Digital Egg Tester measures the breaking strength of the eggshell.

Albumen height/Haugh unit
The measurement uses parallel laser beams. The Haugh unit score is calculated instantly, based on the egg's weight and the albumen height.

Yolk color
The yolk color is measured quickly and accurately, based on YolkFan™. Digital Egg Tester is the world’s first egg tester that supports 16 YolkFan™ scales.

Eggshell thickness gauge (optional)
The gauge of high repeatability and accuracy. The eggshell thickness data helps understand the health of the chickens.

Screen display
The following items are displayed: Haugh unit, egg weight, eggshell strength, yolk color, yolk index, and eggshell thickness (optional)

【END】 button
Press the button and Digital Egg Tester summarizes the lot data and switch to the next lot.

Special mirror/Transparent tray
A special mirror and a clear tray help finding abnormalities on the bottom side where operators cannnot easily check visually.

Measurement data, including the eggshell thickness (optional), can be output to the provided printer.

USB port
You can import the measurement data including the eggshell thickness (optional) in a CSV file by connecting the machine to your PC with a USB cable.

Checking kit (optional)
The checking kit is to test Digital Egg Tester measurement accuracy. By using the kit regularly, the accuracy is guaranteed.

Yolk index
Digital Egg Tester is the world's only egg tester able to measure the yolk index, which is an egg quality indicator.